Kids Love Graphic Novels: What Are They?

Have you ever wondered what graphic novels are? Graphic Novels are similar to comic books, combining sequential art and text to tell a story. They can be fiction, non fiction, simple or complex. 

Kids Love Graphic Novels: What Are They?

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A graphic novel is a popular book format!

If you have wandered the children’s section of your local bookstore you may have noticed how popular graphic novels are right now. They are here to stay and for good reasons. Kids love them!

Why do kids love graphic novels?

The combination of more illustrations and less text seem to make graphic novels appealing to children. A reluctant reader may be more comfortable picking up a graphic novel because there are more pictures and less words. The pictures keep the story moving and can help children learn new words from the context clues found in the illustrations. While some graphic novels are quite simple others use higher level vocabulary words. In short, if it provides a positive reading experience for a child they will want to read more and the more they read the better reader they become!

Inside pages from Science Comics: Sharks
Pages inside Science Comics: Sharks-Natures Perfect Hunter

A graphic novel is best for personal reading

I feel like the format of the graphic novels works best for personal reading. They don’t work as well for reading aloud online. A graphic novel has less text and the words are harder for me to see when I hold the book up for my grandchildren to see on the computer screen. The illustrations are also smaller and harder to see online. If you are reading to a child in person you may enjoy reading a graphic novel together, but I suggest you look for picture books or illustrated chapter books if you read online.

Libraries have lots of graphic novels to choose from

If you don’t know what graphic novel will interest your grandchild, go to the library. My public library has a section of graphic novels. Libraries often have lists of favorite books online or printed in the library. Since graphic novels are so popular I’m sure they have a list or two of with some great choices. You can also ask a librarian for recommendations. The library is such a great resource for so many things.

Graphic novels make great gifts

I like to find quality graphic novels to share with my grandchildren. I think they make nice gifts! Here are some of my favorites:

  • Narwhal and Jelly series for new readers ages 6-9 years old. Delightful stories of friendship with a few facts about life under the sea mixed in. One of my grandsons read the set I gave him over and over!
Narwhal and Jelly a graphic novel series for young readers.
of Narwhal: Unicorn Of The Sea
  • Fox And Rabbit by Beth Ferry series is for children ages 6-9. Children will enjoy the humor and all of Fox and Rabbit’s fun adventures. There are currently three books in this cute series.
Fox and Rabbit by Beth Ferry is a fun, humorous graphic novel for young readers.

  • The Science Comics series (27 books at the time I wrote this) is a collection of graphic novels written by different authors. Each one combines a science topic in a fiction story. It makes learning different science principles fun and engaging! (ages 9-13 years old)
Science Comics are a favorite graphic novel series.
Science Comics: Dinosaurs: Fossils and Feathers 
Inside pages of Science Comics: Dinosaurs-Fossils an Feathers
Insides pages from Science Comics: Dinosaurs: Fossils and Feathers 

Make your own graphic novel

If your grandchildren like to read graphic novels they might want to try writing and illustrating their own graphic novel. Here are some some drawing books you can share with your grandchildren to help them get started: Great Drawing Books For Children!

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Do you need more great books or fun read aloud ideas?

I have lots of books and great ideas to share with you here!

To help you get started I have a list of 15 great read-aloud picture books you can download for free.

Get my free book list: 15 great read-aloud picture books
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