Butterflies, Birds and Fabulous Frogs!

These 6 books about butterflies, birds and frogs are non-fiction, fun, colorful read-alouds your grandchildren will want to read more than once. I love reading books about nature with my grandchildren-especially books with a little humor mixed in.

These 6 books about butterflies, birds and frogs are all non-fiction but are fun, colorful read-alouds your grandchildren will want to read more than once.

Nature Books You Will Love!

The Very Impatient Caterpillar by Ross Burach

The Very Impatient Caterpillar by Ross Burach

This is a story about learning patience, doing hard things and how caterpillars metamorphosize!

It’s hard to believe a book that is full of real facts about how caterpillars transform into butterflies can be such a hilarious, fun book. 

A caterpillar is trying to figure out how to be patient and let nature take its course. He watches his caterpillar friends make a chrysalis and tries to figure out the whole metamorphosis thing. His comments are so funny especially when he finds out he’s going to be in his chrysalis for 2 weeks. 

When he finally emerges as a butterfly he finds there is a new challenge waiting for him-migrating. You’ll want to read the comical sequel, The Little Butterfly Who Could

Butterflies are Pretty Gross by Rosemary Mosco

Butterflies are Pretty Gross by Rosemary Mosco 

On the jacket flap of this book there is a warning: This book contains top-secret information about butterflies. If you decide to read it you will be shocked and disgusted by these totally true facts. This book is full of interesting true facts about butterflies presented in a way that makes you want to keep turning the page and reading more.

There are short, humorous comments in the conversation bubbles throughout the book in addition to all the interesting facts. Periodically there is a warning that you may not want to turn the page because more weird facts will follow. There are a few “potty” words like poop and butt that I don’t usually like to read in a children’s book, but these words aren’t in there just to be funny, they help you understand something about a butterfly or its characteristics.

The illustrations by Jacob Souva are colorful, playful and bold. They will appeal to older and younger listeners. The book is written simple enough for young children, but older children will appreciate all the facts and humor. The author includes a short bio on each butterfly mentioned in the previous pages. This is a book you definitely don’t want to miss.

How To Find A Bird by Jennifer Ward

How to Find A Bird by Jennifer Ward

This beautifully illustrated book introduces children to the magical world of birding. How do you find a bird? You begin by listening, looking up, looking down and more. Sometimes you don’t need to find a bird. Put some feeders in your backyard and they will come to you. There area over 50 different different species of birds featured in the book that add to the fun of exploring this book. At the end of the book are tips and tools for becoming a successful birder.

Birds From Head to Tail by Stacey Roderick

Birds From Head to Tail by Stacey Roderick

In this interactive book you see a close-up of one part of bird and have to guess what bird the is. You turn the page and see if you were right and learn some interesting facts about that bird. The two final pages have some fun facts about some other birds. The illustrations and text are fun, playful and make this a very enjoyable book to share with a young child you love!

Fabulous Frogs by Martin Jenkins

Fabulous Frogs by Martin Jenkins

This books explores a variety of frogs in the world from the very smallest to the largest. There are more than 5000 frogs in this world and they are all fabulous! Find out the ways frogs are the same and how they are different. This book is written simple enough for young children to enjoy with added details for older children. The illustrations by Tim Hopgood are bold and colorful!

Terrific Tongues by Maria Gianferrari

Terrific Tongues by Maria Gianferrari

This book shares how frogs and other animals use their tongues to lick, taste, smell and more. Some tongues are as fast as a whip, like an air conditioner or clean eyeballs. Some tongues are extra long! One animal even has two tongues. This is a fascinating book about all the things animals can do with their tongues. It is written and illustrated in a fun style for all ages. There are extra details that older children will find interesting.

Do you like to knit?

I had fun knitting this little frog. The pattern is from Claire Garland. She has lots of knitting patterns for realistic looking animals. It would make a cute gift for your grandkids paired with a book about frogs.

Knit frog made from a pattern by Claire Garland with some of our favorite books about frogs.

More fun frog books

Here are 2 more “just for fun” book series about frogs: Og the Frog , Frog and Friends, and Froggy books.

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