Read To Each Other: 4 Benefits Of Letting Children Read To You

When I started reading aloud to my oldest grandson Kalepo he was 8 years old. He was already a good reader and enjoyed reading. I read-aloud to him a few times then he decided he wanted to read to me.

For Variety Read-Aloud To Each Other

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Let grandchildren read to you

My Grandson loves science and nature books-especially books about whales and dinosaurs. He really enjoyed the Narwhal and Jelly books when he started reading. It was fun to let him read to me!

Sometimes children enjoy this as much as being read to. It helps them learn to read with expression and gain confidence in their reading skills. I was able to learn about the things that were of interest to him and we could discuss the things in his books. He really enjoyed the Narwhal and Jelly Books when he started reading.

Reading their own stories

Kalepo was doing home school at this time and enjoyed writing stories. Soon we progressed to him reading me stories he had written. He kept adding chapters to a story he had started about a boy named Jack. What a wonderful experience for me! I was so happy he wanted to share his writing with me! If I hadn’t started to read-aloud to him I don’t know if I would have had the opportunity of hearing him read his stories to me.

4 benefits of a grandchild reading aloud to you

  1. It gives them practice reading aloud with good expression.
  2. Builds their confidence in reading aloud to other people.
  3. You learn what types of books or subjects are of interest to them.
  4. It may encourage some children to write their own stories that they can share and read-aloud.
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