75 Holiday Read-Aloud Picture Books

75 Holiday Read-Aloud Picture Books-ipad
75 Holiday Read-Aloud Picture Books is a PDF book list you can download and save or print.

Created to save you time!

This is a downloadable PDF book list of 75 Holiday Read-Aloud Picture Books. I will be sharing some of these books in posts, but thought you might like the option of a list that includes those books and more great holiday books. I have spent hours and hours looking for enjoyable holiday books to read-aloud to my grandchildren. I hope this list and the books I share on Read-Aloud Grandma will save you time and make it easier for you to have a wonderful experience reading aloud to kids you love.

What you’ll get:

This is a list of 75 of my favorite picture books for holidays all through the year. I have included books for seasons in addition to holidays. I feel like these picture books will work best for ages 3-8 years old. These are books I have read and enjoyed with my grandchildren.

The downloadable PDF is 23 pages long including the cover.

There is a brief description of each book and a photo of the cover. It also mentions if the book is part of a series (which several are). The titles on this list can lead you to other books.

You can download and print it or save the list on your phone or tablet. You may want to do both! Use this list when you go to the library or look for books to purchase online.

Sample pages:

Info Page From 75 Holiday Read-Aloud Picture Books
Information page from the PDF list of 75 Holiday Read-Aloud Picture Books.
Content Page From 75 Holiday Read-Aloud Picture Books
Content page from the PDF list of 75 Holiday Read-Aloud Picture Books.
Christmas Page From 75 Holiday Read-Aloud Picture Books
Example of a page with the description of the book and a photo of the cover.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me: tammy@readaloudgrandma.com